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The Herd

  Kinetic aka Sir Beast, Beastie Boy, Mister Man, Big Horse, Steve, Black   Beauty, Kintec, K-tic, Canoodle

Kinetic is my first horse. He’s a ’93 model OTTB that I got through a rescue when I was 14. Unfortunately, I was overhorsed, underprepared, and lacked the support system to make the right decisions regarding his training. My parents aren’t horsey people, my trainer hated him, and I wasn’t confident enough to make the decision to move barns. He’s a BIG 16.2, knows it, and used it to intimidate me.  As such, that mystical love-bond between horse and rider has eluded us. I wanted so badly to have that relationship with him, that I excused and justified a lot of his behavior. None of it is his fault; I obviously wasn’t ready for a horse with his issues and he was just scared and confused. Although we aren’t soul mates, I still have a lot of respect for him. He kept me sane through college, taught me about tenacity and humility, followed me to Colorado, and has become a damn fine trail horse. At 19, he’s just about broke :). He’s put up with me for ten years, and will hopefully put up with me for many more.

Angel , aka Pony Pants, Pants, Midget, Pony, Squee, Mare Face, Tiny Pants

Angel joined the remuda in September 2011.  I’d been riding her for a friend (read: enabler) who said we were a great team. I agreed and made the mistake of mentioning that Angel was a fantastic horse and I’d love to have a horse like her (IN A HYPOTHETICAL WORLD). Friend said, “Fantastic, I’ll work up a contract and we can discuss details this weekend.” Ummm, what? What details? Did I just buy a horse? Yes, apparently I did and Pony Pants has turned out to be the most fantastic accidental purchase. She’s so brave and willing that I constantly forget she’s only three. Although she does have a past, we are quickly working through any latent issues and she’s becoming a rockstar. She also gives me an excuse to buy fun western bling and pink, glittery things.  I’m hoping to turn her into a utilitarian horse; one that’s just as happy moving cows as she is bopping over little hunter courses.

In Memory…



The first flock of my little homestead is no longer. Foxes are smarter than I am.

Cowboy, the best, most well-travelled hamster there ever was

One Comment leave one →
  1. March 12, 2012 5:56 am

    Nice family you have here… nice blog too.

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